
Mobile Refueling Unit

Mobile Refueling Unit

When the CNG trailer is at the remote station site, the booster pump installed on the trailer works compressing the gas into the high pressure banks of second cascade @250 bar (low and high) and simultaneously it can refuel the vehicles through CNG Dispenser having two arms. The CNG Dispenser is provided with two mass flow meter (FT) that allows to measure the actual gas sold to the final user in Kgs. The Pneumatic pump requires compressed air at 5-6 bar to fill the high pressure bank of the second cascade.

The CHROMA-ATOR gas booster equipment use pure compressed air as the driving power source and use gas booster pump as the pressure source. The output pressure is proportional to the driving gas pressure. By adjusting the pressure of the driving gas source, the corresponding pressure of the pressurized gas can be obtained. When the pressure of the driving gas source is balanced with that of the pressurized gas, the pneumatic booster pump will automatically stops and the output gas pressure is stabilized at the preset pressure. Therefore, it has the features of explosion-proof, energy saving, environmental protection, adjustable output pressure, small volume, light weight, simple operation, reliable performance and wide application range.

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